Darcy A. Santor

P R O F E S S O R    O F   P S Y C H O L O G Y
U N I V E R S I T Y   OF   O T T A W A


Please note: My lab group is full, and I am not taking any PhD students this year or next. I am NOT  accepting students, wishing to complete their honours thesis or who wish to volunteer.

I am a professor of psychology in the School of Psychology at the University of Ottawa. My research interests are in the areas of school-based mental health, mood disorders across the life span, as well as interpersonal conflict and depressive vulnerability factors. Other interests include the application of item response models and growth curves to the analysis of symptom inventories.

I am also a practising psychotherapist and workshop facilitator for school-based mental health and mental health in the workplace.

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© 2022 Darcy A. Santor, Ph.D., CPsych
School of Psychology | University of Ottawa | Ottawa, Ontario, Canada  | Email: dsantor@uottawa.ca | T: 613 293 1570 | www.darcyasantor.net